Cassandra burst on to the scene with her stunning debut range Heart Of Summer and hasn’t looked back since. She’s currently one of the most talked about British fabric designers, having already made an appearance on television and has upcoming interviews with leading patchwork and quilting publications. With several more ranges already agreed for printing by Lewis & Irene, the future is bright for this talented young lady.
Her follow up range, Meadowside, combines rich Autumnal colourways with beautifully illustrated birds and moths which take you on an adventure through quintessentially British corn fields. Simply stunning.
Here are some words from Cassandra that encapsulate her inspiration for the range:.
The meadow calls to me.
Some days softly, others urgently.
She calls me in all her beauty, sounds within the silence.
The whisper of corn brushing against my shins, pathways twisting and turning, creating mazes underfoot.
The way unknown yet so familiar.
A day steeped in drowsiness, hazy and faded around the edges.
Small blooms sun drenched and muted.
Stray ears of corn entwined amongst the flowers and grass as they faintly tickle outstretched fingers.
No new buds, seeds awaiting spring or hungry birds.
The long Summer days now past, the crisp chill of Autumn hovering within reach.
The hedgerow trees alive, birds disturbed from their solitude.
I follow the call, a tired wanderer savouring the silence.
Beyond the grass field, the landscape unknown.
Pathways walked a thousand times, I know the way now.
The meadow calls, inviting.
To celebrate the launch of her second range, Cassandra is giving away a free fat ¼ bundle of her entire collection. All you have to do is head over to her website and subscribe to her newsletter and she’ll pick a winner on Friday 4th November.